
Meaning: tr
suçlamak, itham etmek
Tom is due to be arraigned on October 20th.
Tom is set to be arraigned Monday.
Why is it that, on your return after so long an absence, I am arraigned in this manner?
The delinquent boy was arraigned for stealing a bicycle.
I've arranged for your arraignment in one hour.
'If the name / of Palamedes thou hast chanced to hear, / old Belus' progeny, if ever came / to thee or thine in talk the rumour of his fame, / whom, pure of guilt, on charges false and feigned, / wroth that his sentence should the war prevent, / by perjured witnesses the Greeks arraigned, / and doomed to die, but now his death lament.'
Today's arraignment hearing offers the defendant his first opportunity to state his case personally.
Arraignment is set for October 20th.
Added on 2014-12-11 | by m1gin | View: 901

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