
Meaning: tr
yem, tuzak; cezbetmek, ayartmak
Tom lured us into a trap.
He lured her with trinkets.
No man can resist the lure of a woman.
As if free food weren't enough of a draw for most college students, the spread of turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and, of course, pumpkin pie, lures in both those who are familiar and those who are curious.
Sami lured Layla back into that apartment.
He lured her away from her husband.
Sami tried to lure Layla out of hiding.
It's that spirit—a faith in reason, and enterprise, and the primacy of right over might—that allowed us to resist the lure of fascism and tyranny during the Great Depression; that allowed us to build a post-World War II order with other democracies, an order based not just on military power or national affiliations but built on principles—the rule of law, human rights, freedom of religion, and speech, and assembly, and an independent press.
Layla tried to lure Sami to where the police could catch him.
I could not resist the lure of great profits.
Added on 2015-03-17 | by m1gin | View: 1066

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