
Meaning: tr
zindan, hapishane
Treasure chests abound in the dungeon, but so do horrible monsters.
This is a very lengthy dungeon, so it will take a while to clear it.
I can never do that," said Anne determinedly and darkly. "You can punish me in any way you like, Marilla. You can shut me up in a dark, damp dungeon inhabited by snakes and toads and feed me only on bread and water and I shall not complain. But I cannot ask Mrs. Lynde to forgive me."
They've recently patched WoW. Wanna farm the new dungeon? The party is waiting.
It took Tom three hours to clear that dungeon.
I can't believe Tom solo'ed that dungeon.
The next dungeon is hard, but it's got very valuable loot.
Tom has a sex dungeon, complete with a functioning sex machine.
When I am queen, I will lock up Tom in the dungeon.
I can't wait to play Dungeons and Dragons over Zoom this weekend.
Added on 2014-12-11 | by m1gin | View: 832

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