
Meaning: tr
What the fuck are you up to taking advantage of his proximity to cling to him like a wet T-shirt?!
Basically, distance is not an obstacle (on the other hand, how often proximity is one) to reach.
Because of its proximity to Jupiter, Europa is subject to impacts with space debris and intense electron radiation generated by the planet. Each of these impacts can stir up the surface of the moon.
They want to build a hotel in proximity to the beach.
The big change is the proximity to death.
Just because we can't be in proximity to each other doesn't mean that we can't be actually communicating with each other.
On certain large planets, whose climates, owing to the proximity of a violent sun, were very much hotter than our tropics, we sometimes found an intelligent fish-like race. It was bewildering to us to discover that a submarine world could rise to mentality of human rank, and to that drama of the spirit, which we had now so often encountered.
Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the proximity of objects around them.
Added on 2014-09-20 | by m1gin | View: 699

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