The ship creaked and groaned, the mighty timbers bulged and bent under the heavy blows, the water broke over the decks, snapping the mainmast like a reed.
Make thee an ark of timber planks: thou shalt make little rooms in the ark, and thou shalt pitch it within and without.
Large amounts of timber are used in paper making.
Canada abounds in timber.
Originally the trade involved timber and ivory, but later it expanded into slaves.
A heavily timbered park stretched up in a gentle slope, thickening into a grove at the highest point. From amid the branches there jutted out the gray gables and high roof-tree of a very old mansion.
Gabon faces fluctuating international prices for its oil, timber, and manganese exports.
Tackling the illegal trade in endangered wild fauna and flora and strengthening trade rules for fisheries, timber, and exotic pets are just a few of the many controversial and emotional issues to be discussed over the next two weeks at a World Wildlife Conference opening in Geneva Saturday.
Timber is a major industry in this region.
Added on 2014-09-06 | by
m1gin |
View: 928