
Meaning: tr
saçmak, serpmek
The sudden noise scattered the birds.
There were toys scattered all over the floor.
In Russia, as elsewhere in the world, folklore is rapidly scattering before the practical spirit of modern progress. The traveling peasant bard or story teller, and the devoted "nyanya", the beloved nurse of many a generation, are rapidly dying out, and with them the tales and legends, the last echoes of the nation's early joys and sufferings, hopes and fears, are passing away.
After seeing cigarette butts and empty beer cans scattered all across his daughter's room, Tom was lost for words.
The wreckage is scattered over a large area.
Galaxies are scattered throughout the universe and they vary greatly in size.
The word "diaspora" was originally coined for the scattering of Jews from Eretz Yisrael.
Strike force to the winds, sink and overwhelm the ships; or drive them apart and scatter their bodies on the sea."
Before tidying up, all my things were lying scattered about in their proper places; afterwards, everything was neatly arranged the devil knows where.
I don't intend on staying here forever. I have a lot of things I want to do around the world, such as meeting up with my friends scattered all over it and making some new ones, learning about new cultures and languages, exploring amazing places and learning more about myself.
Added on 2014-09-17 | by m1gin | View: 1026

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