
Meaning: tr
hastalık mikrobu, patojen
The exact location of the trees is a secret because of fears that visitors could bring in pathogens that might cause disease.
Studies indicate that the world can expect about five new animal-borne pathogens to infect humans each year.
Infectious diseases are caused by prions, viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia, bacteria, pathogenic fungi and protozoa.
A smaller, but still dangerous, concentration of pathogens won't necessarily be detectable by smell.
New studies by the Global Virome Project, a worldwide effort to increase preparedness for pandemics, indicate the world can expect about five new animal-borne pathogens to infect humans each year, creating a sense of urgency to curb the wild animal trade.
Have I been exposed to the pathogen?
Added on 2017-10-09 | by m1gin | View: 489

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