
Meaning: tr
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Here, he threw himself on the ground in despair, before the statues of the Nymphs whom he charged with having deserted Chloe.
I poured forth praises to the Nymph Echo for repeating the name of Amaryllis.
Twice seven nymphs have I, beautiful to see; / one, Deiopeia, fairest of the fair, / in lasting wedlock will I link to thee, / thy life-long years for such deserts to share, / and make thee parent of an offspring fair."
Whilst he was slumbering the three Nymphs appeared before him; they were tall and beautiful, half-naked and without sandals; their hair fell loosely over their shoulders, and in every respect they resembled the statues in the grotto.
The cicada nymph was caught in a spider web, grew wings and flew away.
No change took place upon the nymph's outward form.
Chloe has been carried away from you, O Nymphs, and could you endure to see it, she who has woven so many garlands for you, who has offered you so many libations of new milk, she who suspended here that pipe—which I see—as an offering?
And indeed, not only upon that day but during the remainder of their lives, did Daphnis and Chloe lead a pastoral life, gathering together large herds and flocks, paying especial worship to the Nymphs, to Pan, and to the God of Love, and finding no food more delicious than the fruits of autumn, and the milk of their flocks.
She's a nymphomaniac.
There once were many nymphs and goddesses in the forests and waters.
Added on 2016-07-28 | by m1gin | View: 756

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