sadakat, bağlılık
Maybe he will swear fealty to the king and become a good guy!
Do candidates have to display fealty to the party's cultural catechism?
They demonstrate fealty by going deep into debt during college.
He and his father swore fealty to Edward I of England.
In spite of their oaths, signatures, and protestations of fealty, there slumbered in each Britisher's heart a flickering hope for a return of England's sovereignty.
He received oaths of fealty from all his humbled adversaries.
If you don't show fealty to the crown then your lands will be pillaged.
He shows fealty toward the fusionist vision.
His fealty to the Constitution is essential.
Will they demand our fealty to a man such as this?
Added on 2017-09-14 | by
m1gin |
View: 748