imha etmek, öldürmek
Insecticides are agricultural chemicals that exterminate insects harmful to plants.
Palestinians can't be exterminated.
Palestinians won't be exterminated.
Their job is to exterminate rats and mice.
The slogan "Arbeit macht frei" at the gates of the Nazi concentration camps was entirely cynical. The prisoners who believed the deceitful promise that work would set them free had no real chance of freedom, regardless of how much they laboured. Many of them were worked to death; many more were deliberately exterminated.
Most of the indigenous population of Australia was exterminated.
They tried to exterminate my people.
He exterminated his enemies.
Entire families are being exterminated in Gaza.
Fascists like Lakhdar Benkoula and Naima Salhi accuse Kabyles of being "colonizers," the separatists call the Algerian government a "colonizer" and the takfirists accuse any person who's not with them -practically all Algerians- of being infidels that should be exterminated. This is what's going on in Algeria and this needs to stop.
Added on 2014-11-17 | by
m1gin |
View: 795