tüzel kişi, kurum, şirket
Tatoeba corporation is one of the largest corporations in the world.
My father holds the major interest in the corporation.
When he graduated from law school in April 2005, he consolidated his debts with a nonprofit corporation called Educational Credit Management Corp., (ECMC), owing $116,464 in principle on the loan amount before interest.
Departmental disagreements led the corporation to split into five separate companies.
Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.
These corporations want to dump lead and radioactive waste in our drinking water. This cannot be tolerated.
Japanese corporations are slashing their capital spending programs.
Sami worked for a corporation.
Other factors of importance, which make litigation of large corporations more difficult, are the size and complexity of their activities.
The corporation saw windfall profits this year.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by
m2gin |
View: 858