
Meaning: tr
havari, öncü, lider
Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of nonviolence, was born in 1869.
During the reign of Nero, the Apostles Peter and Paul, who had come to Rome to preach, were killed.
The apostle Paul was born in Tarsus.
When the apostle Paul wrote about destroying God's temple, he had a lot of history running through his mind.
Tom isn't an apostle.
All the Apostles come from noble families amongst their respective peoples.
He came to the Irish with all the signs of an apostle, and when the people asked him to explain the Blessed Trinity, he reached down to the ground and picked up a shamrock.
The devil has more than twelve apostles.
The citizens of Cambridge accept us today not as merchants who bring them profit but as apostles of the world-citizenship idea, which they understand and appreciate."
Easter is never mentioned by the Lord or the apostles, nor was it ever observed by the early church!
Added on 2015-03-13 | by m1gin | View: 812

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