Wordset: Play
A person who is barking up the wrong tree is doing the wrong thing, because their beliefs or ideas are incorrect or mistaken
If you bare you soul (or heart) to someone, you reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them..
When you try to satisfy two or more people or groups who have different needs, and keep everyone happy, you perform a balancing act
If you badger someone into doing something, you persistently nag or pester them until you obtain what you want.Example: Sophie badgered her parents into buying her a new computer.
A passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver is called a backseat driver.Example: I can't stand backseat drivers like my mother-in-law!
When a person answers the call of nature, they go to the toilet.Example: I had to get up in the middle of the night to answer the call of nature.
To say that you are all ears means that you are listening very attentively.Example: Of course I want to know - I'm all ears!
If you add fuel to the flames, you do or say something that makes a difficult situation even worse.Example: He forgot their wedding anniversary, and his apologies only added fuel to the flames.
If you do something intentionally, but pretend it was an accident, you do it accidentally on purpose.
9 items.
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