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She's no longer a supporter of the communist regime.
Forget everything that they teach you. Your regime is an apartheid racist system that is blatanlty violating international law.
He openly criticizes the Algerian regime.
I am adhering to a strict diet regimen.
It is the Algerian criminal regime that creates terrorism in Algeria by teaching Islamic prescepts in schools and by creating trerrorist groups in order to maintain a climate of fear that makes it possible to do durty business. This is convenient for Algerians who don't want to suppress religious education in schools. Contrary to the Kabyles who fight for a secular state and scientific educational system.
All the Arabic-speaking detainees were released by the Algerian regime except the activists for the independence of Kabylia, the Mozabite autonomists and the Chaouis Autonomists. This is nothing new with the racist and criminal Algerian regime, but the worst thing is that the Algerians are supporting their imprisonment!
This has rattled the Moroccan regime.
The separatists are trying to portray Kabyles as an "endangered and persecuted ethnic minority" that needs to seek "independence" from a so-called "Algerian colonial regime." In fact, there are millions of Kabyles in Algeria; they live in every single part of the country; they are perfectly integrated at every level of the Algerian society; they are free to go, work, and live everywhere in Algreria; they intermarry with people from all over Algeria; they massively reject any separatist plans to divide Algeria and their parents and grandparents played a central role in the rise of Algerian nationalism and the liberation of Algeria.
This oppressive regime committed many atrocities.
Yanni's father had a very regimented way of looking at the world.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by
m2gin |
View: 815