
Meaning: tr
teşvik etmek, kışkırtmak
Spanish history is replete with official anti-Semitism: the 14th-century massacres of Jews in Seville, Córdoba and elsewhere, incited by a prominent Catholic clergyman; the Spanish Inquisition and forced religious conversions, beginning in the 15th century; and the expulsion of an estimated 70,000 Jews by decree of Ferdinand and Isabella.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against all types of discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to any form of discrimination.
Donald Trump's antisemitic rhetoric about George Soros incited the Tree of Life synagogue shooting.
Incitement to suicide is a crime.
Tom used to be socially anxious because he couldn't find anyone who would understand and share his devotion to stoats; however, everything changed when he learned to incite passion for stoats in others with the use of just a few carefully designed phrases.
The speaker tried to incite the people to rebellion.
They incited him to commit the crime.
If Bezalel Smotrich were Arab and talking about Jews, he would be charged with incitement.
Their speech incited you to cruelty.
Ksenia Aleksandrovna was charged with incitement to riot.
Added on 2019-11-04 | by m1gin | View: 420

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