
Meaning: tr
iyi hal, iyi niyet
Anne Hathaway has been appointed by the United Nations as a global goodwill ambassador to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.
His soul seemed to be made up of good humor and goodwill.
Few are interested in translating my Portuguese phrases into other languages. So I try to do some translations myself. And I have been fortunate enough to find goodwill in some collaborators, who correct my mistakes.
Without goodwill on both sides, the treaty will quickly be broken.
I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum.
Immigration can be a controversial topic. We all want safe, secure borders and a dynamic economy, and people of goodwill can have legitimate disagreements about how to fix our immigration system so that everybody plays by the rules.
Some people think Goodwill stores are more a for-profit business than a philanthropic institution.
Your goodwill sank into my heart.
The airline provided free accommodation to stranded passengers as a goodwill gesture.
Our future depends on the goodwill of a small elite.
Added on 2014-08-22 | by m1gin | View: 379

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