tanrı, ilah
Bennu is the ancient Egyptian deity linked with the Sun, creation and rebirth.
So now to winged Love this mandate she addressed: / "O son, sole source of all my strength and power, / who durst high Jove's Typhoean bolts disdain, / to thee I fly, thy deity implore."
Sami worshipped a pagan deity.
Prayer is a means of turning oneself towards a Deity.
The red onion is a minor deity.
But I, who walk the Queen of Heaven confessed, / Jove's sister-spouse, shall I forevermore / with one poor tribe keep warring without rest? / Who then henceforth shall Juno's power adore? / Who then her fanes frequent, her deity implore?"
A prayer is one way to appeal to a deity.
These artefacts are the depictions of the deity that serves as the spiritual and political palladium of the nation.
Are we a dream in the mind of a deity, or is each of us a separate dreamer, evoking his own reality?
I opine that the Deity Proper liberates itself from emotions. There may exist more advanced entities with emotions as humans possess, but depending on terminology, one could classify them as deities or not. But, they are not the Deity Proper, which is unhumanlike.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by
m2gin |
View: 830