أَحَدُ المَذَاهِبِ البُوذِيَّة
Berber as a family contains several languages including: Kabyle, Shawi, Mozabit, Rifain, Zennati, Tergi and Chleuh.
In Zen, adherents have to be mindful in living in the "now."
What? A little soup and celery is all I get? I'm not a Zen monk. I can't survive on an austerity diet like this.
Zen priests beg for alms near Shinjuku station.
They say that Zen strengthens our mind.
My nickname 'Nonong' is rather Zen." "Indeed!"
Zen's latest mission is to save the Earth from ecological destruction at the hands of a plant-destroying madman.
Zenaga is the only surviving Berber dialect in Mauritania.
That the moon appears larger close to the horizon than at the zenith is an optical illusion, the cause of which has not been definitively clarified.
Inside yourself, outside yourself, you'll fall from the zenith to the nadir, for that was your destiny, your miserly destiny.
Added on 2021-05-05 | by
sara |
View: 293