
Meaning: en
n. segments of bone which form the spinal column
Like a typical vertebrate the human has two pairs of limbs.
A giraffe's neck has seven vertebrae.
The helmethead gecko is the only vertebrate that can see colours at night.
The cervical region has seven vertebrae.
Disk herniation is when cartilage, called 'intervertebral disk' and found between each vertebra, slips out.
Hunching over a computer screen or cellphone compresses the neck muscles, which causes fatigue, muscle tension and headaches, and can injure vertebrae.
They say I have a dislocated vertebral disc.
Fossil of plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, and trace fossils have been identified in Yellowstone National Park from more than 40 stratigraphic units spanning more than 540 million years from the Cambrian to the Cenozoic eras.
Cervical cancer has nothing to do with cervical vertebrae. It's a cancer of the cervix.
Man is a vertebrate and has an immortal soul as well as a fatherland, so that he doesn't get too cocky.
Added on 2021-08-29 | by auto | View: 170

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