
Meaning: en
v. to order someone to come to or be present at a particular place, or to officially arrange a meeting of people; to increase your courage or strength, especially with an effort
This can be summoned anywhere.
Even though I summoned my courage and invited Mary to a movie, she gave me the slip.
Matthew, hastily summoned from the harvest field, was straightway dispatched for the doctor.
A summons has been issued.
They have a friend who will be able to perform a seance to summon spirits to tell us our future.
Summon up your courage and tell the truth.
We need to summon the spirits.
Tom summoned Mary to his office.
A peacemaker was summoned.
The teacher summoned Sami's mother to the school.
Added on 2021-10-16 | by magnanimous | View: 321

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