
Meaning: en
n. organ in female mammals that secretes milk (such as breast in women, udder in cows, etc.); mammary gland and its exterior parts
Bats are mammals, just like us.
The platypus, a small amphibious Australian mammal, is a very shy animal.
Whales are very large mammals that live in the ocean.
Whales are mammals.
The noise of ice-breaking boats and other ships is extremely unsettling to marine mammals.
The platypus, a small amphibious Austrian mammal, is a very shy animal.
I've heard that most mammals can swim by instinct.
Ruminants are a group of mammals.
From then on, he made it a rule to put T-shirts only on mammals.
A dolphin is a mammal species.
Added on 2023-08-19 | by auto | View: 65
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