
Meaning: en
v. cheat, swindle, trick

n. cheating, trickery, fraud
The old gypsy moved her hand over the crystal ball and, peering inside, beheld my future.
Queen of Hungary Maria Theresia ordered that Gypsies be called New Hungarians, but the term did not catch on.
Ziri gets along very well with Gypsies.
Ziri loves Gypsy girls.
Ziri likes Gypsy girls.
The gypsies danced around the bonfire.
She gypped me out of my money!
She gave clothes to the gypsies out of charity.
Ultimately, Robert and Gypsy were to blame for John’s death.
Tom doesn't know the difference between gypsies and Hungarians.
Added on 2023-09-13 | by auto | View: 47
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