
Meaning: en
adj. told in fables, legendary, mythical; fictitious, not existing in reality
Scotland's fabled Loch Ness Monster might most likely be a giant eel, a study of samples of DNA in the lake's murky waters has found.
Although King Harkinian is pretty much an omnivore, as much as a human being could ever be, his favourite food is by far the fabled Munf Munf cereal. One curious exception to his habit of eating everything that's on the dinner table is spaghetti, which he loathes deeply and has decreed that nobody may bring it into the Hyrule Castle. Luigi and Mario are the only people banned from the Hyrule Kingdom for life for violating this order.
He died believing that he had found the fabled golden city of the Incas.
Added on 2021-09-06 | by auto | View: 161
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