
Meaning: tr
a sudden and surprising moment of understanding
Thousands of Orthodox Christian worshippers plunged into the icy waters of rivers and lakes across Bulgaria on Monday to retrieve crucifixes tossed by priests in Epiphany ceremonies commemorating the baptism of Jesus Christ.
Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th.
Epiphany marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas.
This is the epiphany I've been waiting for!
The religious holiday of Epiphany is also celebrated in some Western Christian churches as Three Kings Day, which marks the visit of the Magi, or three wise men, to the baby Jesus, and closes out the Christmas season.
The Epiphany marks the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan.
In his Epiphany homily Monday in St. Peter's Basilica, Francis encouraged people to focus on serving others, not themselves.
The Twelve Days of Christmas is the period that begins with the birth of Christ on December 25th and ends on January 6th, also known as the Epiphany, the day the three wise men visted the infant Christ.
Added on 2021-10-20 | by Riley | View: 163

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