
Meaning: en
v. infuriate, anger, exasperate
Hardly was the door shut when Mrs. Challenger darted out from the dining-room. The small woman was in a furious temper. She barred her husband's way like an enraged chicken in front of a bulldog.
The word that Mary had, just before the comma, to enrage Tom, was the word "erased".
So. Having had all that done to him it would be stranger if he wasn't enraged.
The members of the opposition party were enraged against the bill.
Yanni was immediately enraged.
This enraged Ziri.
He was enraged that another teacher would get that post.
Fadil became enraged with Layla.
Enraged by these things as well, she kept the Trojans, all that were left of the Greeks and indomitable Achilles, far away from Latium, tossed by the wide ocean; they wandered for many years, driven by the Fates, all around the seas.
Layla's rejection enraged Sami.
Added on 2021-10-17 | by auto | View: 173

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