
Meaning: tr
​a person who is kept in prison, usually because of his or her political opinions
Three detainees broke out of the prison where they were locked up.
All the criminal charges were trumped-up and the three Taliban detainees had to be released.
The detainee struggled in the tight handcuffs, but the police paid him no attention.
All the Arabic-speaking detainees were released by the Algerian regime except the activists for the independence of Kabylia, the Mozabite autonomists and the Chaouis Autonomists. This is nothing new with the racist and criminal Algerian regime, but the worst thing is that the Algerians are supporting their imprisonment!
It’s sad when a child is a detainee of our government.
How many detainees are held at Guantanamo?
Added on 2021-10-20 | by Riley | View: 160

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