
Meaning: en
to change from a gas into a liquid; to make a gas change into a liquid
Then add three eggs, five dessertspoonfuls of condensed milk and the melted chocolate, and stir until you have a smooth dough.
The temperature in Uranus' upper atmosphere is so cold that the methane condenses and forms a thin cloud layer which gives the planet its blue-green appearance.
Time cannot be deciphered in its condensed form.
Don't forget to buy condensed milk.
A cloud is condensed steam.
This essay is much too long. You have to condense it by getting rid of all the fluff.
Do you drink coffee with condensed milk or without?
It's hard to condense this into a short article.
When the water vapor in the atmosphere cools, it condenses back into little droplets of liquid water, forming clouds.
I think I forgot to rinse the condenser with acetone.
Added on 2021-12-13 | by Riley | View: 180

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