
Meaning: en
suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.
His letter alludes to the event.
She alluded to his lack of education.
I never alluded to an intent to marry.
His life's goal was the "internal idea." Because the Boulogne declaration only alluded to the language, he felt the necessity to also define clearly the motto of ideal Esperantists.
Miss Ashton never alluded to what had passed in the state-room.
Is it true that you alluded to an intention to divorce Taninna?
I have never alluded to marriage.
In the early part of my study, I allude to work that had already been done on the psychology of crowd-control.
The article alludes to an event now forgotten.
The massive spider seen crawling across the sky on a glowing web is pure fiction, but the concept alludes to something called the cosmic web, which is the large-scale organization of matter and dark matter in the universe: Thin filaments of normal matter and dark matter connect clusters of galaxies, like roadways between major cities.
Added on 2021-05-06 | by amia | View: 326

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