
Meaning: en
n. movement that promotes Jews returning to and rebuilding Israel
Any Jew who criticizes Zionism is labelled as a "self-hating Jew."
Zionism isn't part of Judaism.
The occupation of the West Bank is a continuation of Zionism.
Yitzhak is Jewish and he is totally opposed to the ideas of Zionism.
Yankev is against Zionism.
Ilan Pappe says that Zionism is no different than any other settler colonial movement.
Criticizing Zionism doesn't mean that you're criticizing the Jewish religion.
What is the nature of Zionism?
Many Jews are saying that Zionism doesn't speak for them and they are not complicit in its illegal acts.
Jews in the Soviet Union were persecuted as "Zionists," regardless of their actual views on Zionism.
Added on 2023-11-22 | by auto | View: 146
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