
özellikle, özel olarak, bilhassa
In the gardens of the better classes summer-houses and shelters of rustic appearance and diminutive proportions are often seen. Rustic arbors are also to be seen in the larger gardens. Specially constructed houses of quaint design and small size are not uncommon; in these the ceremonial tea-parties take place. High fences, either of board or bamboo, or solid walls of mud or tile with stone foundations, surround the house or enclose it from the street. Low rustic fences border the gardens in the suburbs. Gateways of various styles, some of imposing design, form the entrances; as a general thing they are either rustic and light, or formal and massive.
This machine is specially engineered to work in extreme weather.
On the 1st of November of 2021, I joined Hans the Netherlander at his table in the cafe. The day after Halloween was rainy outside. Whilst I was drinking iced green tea, Hans gave me a piece of brown candy. He took out a jar of peanuts and offered me, but I said that I get pimples from peanuts. As a child in Quezon City, my family had a peanut farm near our lot; we boiled them, and I ate, as I was not allergic as a prepubescent. We then talked all about astronomy: exoplanets, asteroids, and the moons of the gas giants. Titan, a moon of Saturn, is specially stunning with its black methanic rivers, lakes, and seas. Hans said that the next fifty years will be exciting for astronomy. As we talked, a big handsome man with a muscular build came in, ordered coffee, and left.
This VR headset is specially designed to eliminate screen-door effect.
The state will build specially made bridges so that koalas and other wildlife can cross roads while avoiding cars and trucks.
The conference will be held in a specially selected church.
Bob is specially fond of Hungarian beans.
This dress was made specially for you.
This Algerian region is a specially protected national park.
She specially loved roses, and therefore she possessed the most beautiful varieties of this flower.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by
m2gin |
View: 855