
Meaning: tr
bastırmak, önlemek, içine atmak
From this point we go on to an even more detailed examination of the concept of repression.
You're sexually repressed.
Anti-social behavior is fertile ground for humor. In America, where sexual expression was for long repressed, sex jokes abound. When Clifford Geertz asked a young Balinese man the funniest thing he could think of, the answer was "A younger being rude to his older brother."
We repress the fact that we eat animals rather than barcoded containers from the supermarket.
The speaker believes that overt expression of feeling for others helps people tap into their own repressed emotions.
Kidnapping, repression, aggression, beating, unfair condemnations, imprisonment are the daily lot reserved for Kabylia and the Kabyle people to bring them to their knees.
Every dictatorship needs a strong repressive intelligence service.
Bouteflika stepped up his repressive tactics.
Don't repress your emotions.
Is sharia law repressive?
Added on 2015-03-26 | by m1gin | View: 934

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