uçurum, sarp kayalık
He was driving on the edge of a precipice.
Beneath a precipice, that fronts the wave, / with limpid springs inside, and many a seat / of living marble, lies a sheltered cave, / home of the Sea-Nymphs. In this haven sweet / cable nor biting anchor moors the fleet.
Another step, and you will fall down the precipice.
Daphnis frequently collected such of the sheep as had strayed, and if a goat ventured too near a precipice Chloe drove it back.
The climber stayed alert while climbing the precipice.
About halfway up, I lost my footing and was as scared as I'd ever been; I looked back and far below there were my mom and dad; I knew they were frightened too and their fear seemed to dispel mine -- or my scorn for their fear gave me courage, and I scrambled easily to the precipice.
Added on 2015-06-26 | by
m1gin |
View: 1044