
Meaning: tr
arı kovanı
He promised that, if he were so happy as to obtain her as his wife, he was prepared to offer him the handsomest gifts which a herdsman could bestow — a yoke of oxen fit for the plough, four hives of bees, fifty young apple trees for planting, the hide of an ox already tanned as well as a weaned calf annually.
Commentators have variously described the sound of vuvuzelas as "annoying" and "satanic" and compared it with "a stampede of noisy elephants", "a deafening swarm of locusts", "a goat on the way to slaughter", "a giant hive full of very angry bees", and "a duck on speed".
Worker bees are sexually undeveloped females and under normal hive conditions don’t lay eggs.
Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive.
I get hives when I eat eggs.
On these foraging trips, the bee can travel as far as two to five miles from the hive.
She gets hives when she eats eggs.
I have hives.
Tom keeps hives on his farm and sells the honey.
They worked as diligently as a hive of bees.
Added on 2017-05-04 | by misti | View: 889

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