connected with mental processes of understanding
A stressful environment adversely affects a child's cognitive development.
He has some cognitive impairment.
Intelligence is a term that generally refers to cognitive ability, that is, the brain process of perceiving, analyzing, recording, and recalling information captured through the five senses.
Cognitive reframing is a great debate. Like giving a kid a participation trophy. Making negative seem positive. It is what it is.
Cognitive scientists study the mind from an interdisciplinary perspective.
A rich and stimulating environment is important for a child's cognitive development.
The scores are low because the task is cognitively demanding.
The old woman is ninety years old, but her cognitive abilities are impressive.
Indoor environments often contain elevated levels of carbon dioxide and lowered levels of oxygen. Studies have shown that such conditions lead to reduced cognitive ability as well as negative health effects; this is detrimental to students' academic performance as well as their overall health.
Cognitive reframing may help you find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation; try it.
Added on 2021-10-17 | by
Riley |
View: 246