
Meaning: tr
kuru, kurak, çorak
Most of Algeria is arid.
Algeria's high plateaus are very arid.
Algeria needs to grow more vegetation in its arid areas.
Throughout nature examples exist of creatures capturing moisture from the air in the most arid conditions, ranging from beetles in the Namib Desert to lizards in the Australian outback.
Exporting water from an arid country to the rainy Europe is pure folly.
Most of Algeria is either arid or semi-arid.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Kowari are a little, tiny carnivorous marsupial that lives in outback, or arid, western Queensland and also down in South Australia. They are a very charismatic little guy. Very fast, very inquisitive.
It is an arid region, almost a desert.
Added on 2015-07-06 | by m1gin | View: 832

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