
Meaning: tr
This is the first time I've ever woven a carpet.
All nature joined in rejoicing at the springtide, and Daphnis and Chloe, young and susceptible as they were, imitated whatever they saw or heard. Hearing the carols of the birds, they sang; at sight of the playful skipping of the lambs they danced; and in imitation of the bees they gathered flowers, some of which they placed in their bosoms, whilst with others they wove chaplets which they carried as offerings to the Nymphs.
This basket is woven from willow.
This towel is woven in Algeria.
Yanni wove a tiny basket.
Microfibre cloth is cloth woven from fibres as narrow as a hundredth of the width of a hair.
The spider wove a web.
Anne, with her elbows on the window sill, her soft cheek laid against her clasped hands, and her eyes filled with visions, looked out unheedingly across city roof and spire to that glorious dome of sunset sky and wove her dreams of a possible future from the golden tissue of youth's own optimism.
Some traditional garments in the Philippines are made of linen and cotton; others are woven with fibres from banana or pineapple leaves or from the bark of a nettle plant.
Little Red Riding Hood took the basket that her grandma had woven and put it on her arm.
Added on 2018-08-28 | by redPen | View: 265

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