
Meaning: tr
hile, kurnazlık; ayartmak
Leslie Gelb watches sports on a TV with his cat Wiley.
Then, then I see that Hector's words were right, / and all the Danaan wiles are naked to the light.
And now the heaven rolled round. From ocean rushed / the Night, and wrapt in shadow earth and air / and Myrmidonian wiles. In silence hushed, / the Trojans through the city here and there, / outstretched in sleep, their weary limbs repair.
Fermat's Last Theorem was finally proven by English mathematician Andrew Wiles in 1994.
Mary used her feminine wiles to hoodwink Tom into revealing state secrets.
... beholds Troy's navy scattered far and nigh, / and by the waves and ruining heaven oppressed / the Trojan crews. Nor failed he to espy / his sister's wiles and hatred.
She used her feminine wiles to seduce him.
Tell me," she says, "thy wanderings; stranger, come, / thy friends' mishaps and Danaan wiles proclaim; / for seven long summers now have seen thee roam / o'er every land and sea, far from thy native home."
The rustic youth was as yet ignorant of the wiles of love.
Added on 2019-01-28 | by m1gin | View: 383

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