
Meaning: en
adj. having a white color; lacking color or pigment (e.g. white wine, white hair, etc.); white-skinned, Caucasian; pure; having no print, blank; dressed in white; covered in or having snow; politically conservative

n. color which has no hue, color of milk; something that is white in color (i.e. wine, game piece, etc.); white part of something (i.e of an egg, of a printed page, of the eye); person having pale skin, Caucasian
You are as white as a sheet.
The nurse is dressed in white.
A nurse wears white.
We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white.
One is red and the other is white.
It is a white lie.
Who designed the White House?
The French flag is blue, white and red.
Please paint the door white.
I'd like to see that in black and white.
Added on 2021-03-16 | by auto | View: 156
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