
Meaning: ar
صاخب, هائج, مشاغب
As the door opened there came a tumultuous rush into the hall, rapid feet clattered up the stair, and an instant later a wild-eyed and frantic young man, pale, dishevelled, and palpitating, burst into the room.
Then straight Ulysses, 'mid tumultuous cries, / drags Calchas forth, and bids the seer unfold / the dark and doubtful meaning of the skies. / Many e'en then the schemer's crime foretold, / and, silent, saw my destiny unrolled."
Yanni and Skura had a tumultuous relationship.
They rushed tumultuously into the house of entertainment, where they revelled till a late hour.
Sami and Layla had a very tumultuous relationship.
Yanni had a tumultuous marriage.
Fadil and Layla had a tumultuous love story.
Layla and Sami had a tumultuous marriage.
I had a tumultuous day.
Tom and Mary have a tumultuous relationship.
Added on 2021-08-23 | by sara | View: 190

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