
Meaning: tr
ihlal etmek, bozmak, aşmak
You think you can transgress the law?
Transgression was normal.
It would be so transgressive.
They are not transgressive.
Plagiarism is a serious transgression of academic ethics.
When Qi follows the Way, there is life. When there is life, there is thought. When there is thought, there is knowledge. When there is knowledge, one stops. In all cases, the forms of the mind are such that transgressive knowledge leads to a loss of life.
O Thou, whose nod and awful bolts attest / o'er Gods and men thine everlasting reign, / wherein hath my AEneas so transgressed, / wherein his Trojans, thus to mourn their slain, / barred from the world, lest Italy they gain?"
Added on 2015-11-02 | by m1gin | View: 650

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