
Meaning: tr
A mermaid is a living being with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of a fish.
Between the head and the torso is the neck.
Sami was shot seven times in his torso.
Sami sent Layla photos of his torso.
I point the fan at my upper torso and I wrap an electric blanket around my lower half. My body temperature finds an equilibrium between hot and cold.
A man was stabbed in the torso overnight during a domestic dispute.
If you wind up the doll with the key on the side of its torso it will swing its arms round and go forward doing somersaults.
The human body consists of a head, neck, and torso, and upper and lower extremities.
The shoulder joins the arm to the torso.
Sami shot Layla in the torso.
Added on 2015-12-13 | by m1gin | View: 770

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