
Meaning: tr
süper devlet, süper güç
I believe America has been a rare superpower in human history insofar as it has been willing to think beyond narrow self-interest; that while we’ve made our share of mistakes over these last 25 years -- and I’ve acknowledged some -- we have strived, sometimes at great sacrifice, to align better our actions with our ideals. And as a consequence, I believe we have been a force for good.
Is Algeria on track to become an economic superpower?
If you could have a superpower, which one would you pick?
Tom has superpowers.
I'm a normal girl. I don't have any superpowers.
Will Algeria become a regional superpower?
Can Algeria become an economic superpower?
Algeria is rapidly transforming into a regional superpower.
Mary has superpowers.
Unlike Morocco, Algeria doesn't want to be the backyard of some superpower.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by m2gin | View: 697

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