
Meaning: tr
boğmak, bastırmak, zaptetmek, tutmak
She stifled her orgasm.
Why do you stifle me so by complaining?
High taxes stifle economic growth.
Tom stifled a sneeze.
I stifled a laugh.
Tom stifled a scream.
Even before Reagan and the Supreme Court stifled it, OSHA was a farce.
She tried to stifle a sneeze during the concert but she couldn't hold it back.
As the unkempt cashier lazily glanced back and forth between the fake ID and Tom’s face, Tom felt a sudden urge to pee as his nerves threatened to also stifle his breath right then and there. He was younger than the high school seniors that dragged him here, but he was easily mistaken for a grown man. It's not his fault that he was an early bloomer.
I stifled a grin.
Added on 2016-10-10 | by m1gin | View: 681

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