
Meaning: tr
dengelemek, dengede tutmak
Lithium is used as a mood stabilizer.
How confident are you that the bailout bill will stabilize the economy?
Jabu, the African elephant from Botswana, fell into a termite hole and he twisted his wrist really bad. I was able to make a brace to stabilize the leg so he wouldn’t get attacked and could get around.
Sami was forced to dump his catch in an effort to stabilize his boat.
Algeria needs to stabilize its currency.
Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases President Lothar Wieler said that while COVID-19 infection rates have stabilized, they are still too high.
She's stabilized for the time being.
GDP growth turned positive in 2017 as oil prices recovered and output stabilized.
The presence of the Moon stabilized the Earth’s spin axis.
The goal of the fossil preparators is to remove all of the rock surrounding the fossil in the field jacket, and to stabilize the fossil so that it can last in the collections in perpetuity.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by m2gin | View: 711

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