
Meaning: tr
gıcırdamak, tiz ses; ispiyon
Sami heard the tires squealing.
I'm going to make you squeal.
The machine squealed for lack of oil.
It's like being a zookeeper babysitting those kids -- they have two dogs, like five lizards, a turtle, they used to have two fainting goats but they sold them or they died or something -- and the kids are like three little pigs chasing each other around and squealing.
Tom squealed with laughter.
A black limo rounded the corner with a squeal of tires.
I'm not a squealer.
The piglet is squealing.
Mary squealed with laughter.
Was it you who squealed to the teacher that I cheated?
Added on 2015-02-23 | by m1gin | View: 678

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