
Meaning: tr
fışkırmak; ibrik ucu
Volcanoes spouted ash and lava.
Gentlemen, why are you silent? Isn't he spouting nonsense? Or has the fact that he is a scientist at the court of the king himself clouded your judgment?
After being on the stove for five minutes, steam started coming out the spout of the tea pot.
Water spouted from the broken tap.
Water spouted from the broken faucet.
To activate the faucet, just wave your hands under the spout and the motion detectors will start the water flowing.
Here Scylla, leftward sits Charybdis fell, / who, yawning thrice, her lowest depths laid bare, / sucks the vast billows in her throat's dark hell, / then starward spouts the refluent surge in air."
What's he been eating?" "The last thing, I think, was a kettle." "A kettle of what?" "No. A kettle. A black thing with a handle and spout."
Added on 2015-08-19 and updated on 2019-08-25 | by m1gin | View: 851

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