
Meaning: en
to show that you have no respect for somebody by the expression on your face or by the way you speak
Tom sneered.
He curled his lip in a sneer.
He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.
The stepmother sneered at Cinderella.
There was a laughing devil in his sneer.
He did something stupid and was sneered at.
I never saw a circle of such hateful faces; and there was the man in the middle, with a kind of black sneering coolness — frightened too, I could see that — but carrying it off really like Satan.
Every grandiose tweet provokes a chorus of gibes, jeers, and sneers.
My professor sneers at science books for the general public.
The old man snorted with a sneer.
Added on 2021-12-01 | by Riley | View: 172

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