
Meaning: tr
kapmak, yakalamak
Only he was capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!
The thief snatched the bag from her hand.
The wolf snatched two hens.
Saburo snatched up all the snacks that were sitting on the table.
Love is something that you can neither snatch away nor express.
She had her purse snatched from her arm.
Gentlemen NEVER snatch things from ladies . . . or forget to say thank you . . . or pull anybody's hair.
Sami walked up to the bad and snatched the blanket off.
A skinhead snatched her hijab off.
Those indignant winds grumble with a loud murmuring around the confines of the mountain; Aeolus sits in his high citadel, holding his scepter, and he soothes their spirits and tempers their rages: if he did not do this, they would surely snatch away seas and lands and the deep heaven itself, and sweep them off through the windy sky.
Added on 2014-07-19 | by m1gin | View: 690

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