
Meaning: ar
مغفل, ساذج
I'm a real simple person.
Everything genius is simple.
It's pretty simple.
Keep the plans simple, OK?
Replacing a light bulb is a simple thing to do.
The plan is very simple.
I love summer. It's simply the most beautiful week of the year.
It is a simple corollary of our definition that the most special of substantives, proper names, cannot be turned into adjectives (or adjuncts, see below) without really losing their character of proper names and becoming more general.
It's the translations which seem to be the simplest that are often the most complex.
Misogynists are ill-suited to act as the nurses and educators of our early childhood, for the simple reason that they themselves are childish, foolish, and short-sighted.
Added on 2021-05-18 | by sara | View: 207

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