
Meaning: tr
buruşmak, kırışmak, pörsümek
In the evening which succeeded my poor father's funeral, I cut a lock from my hair, and, as it consumed in the fire, I swore that my rage and revenge should pursue his enemies, until they shrivelled before me like that scorched-up symbol of annihilation.
Whether you lick them or not, they will soften you by shriveling your brain, even by breaking your neck.
Dance you shall. Dance in your red shoes till you are pale and cold, till your skin shrivels up and you are a skeleton! Dance you shall, from door to door, and where proud and wicked children live you shall knock, so that they may hear you and fear you! Dance you shall, dance—!
His clothes hung baggily over his shrivelled limbs.
Your vagina is not going to shrivel up like a prune.
I will make you a potion, and before sunrise you must swim ashore with it, seat yourself on the beach and drink it; then your tail will divide and shrivel up to what men call beautiful legs, but it hurts, it is as if a sharp sword were running through you.
Raisins are shrivelled grapes.
Mary shrivelled Tom with one glance.
Added on 2015-06-17 | by m1gin | View: 476

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